Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Eureka Moment: VisualCV

Each time I visit Guy's blog, I get a "eureka" moment [minus the "running naked in public" act]!!! So I've decided to put in a new post type in my blog, called "Eureka Moment". Its going to be the place where I post about new stuff that I find neat.... or as Seth would say.."remarkable"!!!

The latest is a cool thing called VisualCV. According to the creators:

"VisualCV makes a traditional resume come alive with video, pictures and a portfolio of your best work samples and other supporting documents. Informational pop-ups provide background data on the companies you’ve worked at and the colleges you’ve attended. You can securely share different versions with your own network of employers, colleagues and friends, and control who sees what. "

I signed up immediately and checked out the features. Its pretty neat, considering I've always wanted a Flash-type resume like all those hotshot web developers... but was limited to Microsoft Word Hell!!!

The best features I like are:
  1. Its on the Internet. So no more gripes about not having access to my mail to send out my resume to someone who asks for it.
  2. Its easy formatting, so your resume looks real nice and you don't have to go Cntrl-Z Cntrl-Z over and over again.
  3. You've got lots of jing-bangs like pop-up keywords, pictures, videos and the rest. You won't find me integrating it with my Orkut or Facebook sites, but hey, it's possible!!!!
But my pet peeve is the data entry. I hate filling up forms, especially the long online CV ones. I know about cut and paste magic, but its so damn boring!!! One reason you won't find me on a matrimonial site.....

But I loved LinkedIn, and I'm sure this is going to be as useful.... but its just cool pointing someone to a link when they ask for my CV.

Have fun, people!!!


Anonymous said...

The link to your new VisualCV isn't working. Could you maybe have the privacy setting on "private"? You need to explicitly turn a VisualCV to the "Internet" privacy setting before you can reference it with an external link. Looks like a cool site though, I've started building mine.

Navin Quadros said...

Thanks for the comment. I'm not yet ready to blow my horn on Visual CV, even though its a cool thing to do. Rest assured, when you see a VisualCV link below my LinkedIn profile, it'll be there!!

You could check out the LinkedIn profile till then :)

~ Navin