And then, I scroll down to the bottom of the page, looking for the email option to share it with my friend and I see this....
Now though it may seem like something very very obvious to do in this day and age, this was the first time I saw Digg and on a corporate website. Maybe I'm just slow.....
But that got me intrigued enough to check the websites of all the big corporates I could think of. And the score was 3 out of 15 big brands using newer non-conventional tools to reach out to larger audiences faster......
This tells me two things:
- The company cares about its visitors. So if those visitors are adopters on the Internet curve, they just care that you can connect to them in a way that you care about. And then you tell everyone you know about it.
- They care about their web presence and brand. They're not shy to use tools that only social networking sites, bloggers or otherwise tech geeks would use. Effectively leveraging every available way of reaching out to whoever wants to listen.