Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The better CEO - Marketing or Finance?

Well, being a student of Marketing myself, the opinion is bound to be colored, but then considering the comparisons, it seems the grass is always green on the other side. Marketing guys will always wonder about the complexity of numbers and Finance wizards would always struggle to sugarcoat bad figures effectively.

But at the end of the day, it all comes down to the student's ambition. No course relatively would give anyone an edge. All students are taught the basics of all streams and eventually every Marketing guy should know the numbers and every Finance brain should be able to sell them. Its just that in the line of duty, you lose track of your training and the inclination to actually sharpen your "standby axe" is in most cases, prohibitive.

I was asked once in an interview about where I'd like to be 10 years hence [Don't people get tired of listening to this one??], and I said I would be the CEO of a global organisation. I was told that most trends revealed that top CEOs were Finance people and I still stand by my reply to that..... "TRENDS ARE MEANT TO BE CHALLENGED" ......... and well, if fairy tales interest you, I never got that job. Maybe they loved their CEO .............